Get ABSOLUTELY Everything you want
via: ancient magick & shadow work

Make your unconscious, conscious so you can lead a life

drenched in Love, Wealth, and Delightful Synchronicity.

Wake Up from the Hypnotic
Lies of Ordinary Life

Splash your face with cold water. Ask yourself:

Do you feel caged in a ho-hum existence that doesn't touch your real desire for wonder, deep connection, and adventure?

Do you want to make bold moves but find yourself held back by a fear of being seen and judged negatively by people you care about?

Do you feel confused and unsure of what to do each day to fulfill your life's purpose?

Do you long to experience a bounty of love, money, and synchronicity but find yourself stuck in repeating negative patterns that have started to get really really boring?

Do you find yourself feeling victimized by cruel Fate? Stuck in operatic worry about whether or not you can get what you really want, and what others will think about you if you do?

Do you long for magic, laughter, and thrill, but run into brick walls of scarcity and doubt?

Would you like to know how to shamelessly let others actually feel the ancient power, brilliant art, and passionate heat that you secretly know exist within you?

Are you hungry to embrace and integrate the raw, shadowy aspects of your being so you can access a new level of vitality and creativity?

If you feel a YES in your body in response to these questions,
then it's time to open up to the truth of your magick and set out to uncover the Mystery.

Awaken The Power of
Your Eternal Nature

Dare to go beyond the comfort of collective-amnesia.

Allow yourself to be guided through a journey of healing empowerment.  

Get liberated from the confines of ‘ordinary’ and ‘acceptable’

— with real and powerful Magick.


Every step you take on this path is a victory for the World
and an affirmation of your magickal self. This is a call to step into the weird and
wonderful timeline you’ve always wished you were in.

When you enter

The Immortal College,

the veils of limitation dissolve and the tapestry of infinite possibilities unfurl before your eyes. Learn how your life will forever change:

Ignite Your Divine Spark

See yourself hanging out in the back alley of a super-serious grad school for magick, cracking jokes and learning from the far-out life stories of the instructors on break.

Imagine waking up every morning feeling full of joy and gratitude, doing some simple daily practices that connect you to your genius & power & shape the world as you want it to be...

... and then going to hang out and relax with your weird & wild magickian friends.

Feels good, doesn't it?

That's the fun, naughty, back-alley vibe of ELECTRIC YES: school for magick

Ready for EFFECTIVE & Magick?

... combined with SEXY & Hilarious social events?

become a professional Existential Kink coach

See yourself being supported by a genius group of people to fully inhabit your most vulnerable desires and fully shed your deepest fears.

As you release old conditioning, a new reality takes shape before you.

Now see yourself as a certified Existential Kink coach.

Each day, you're working with clients to help them do the most important thing on Earth: integrate their shadows, become whole, become free.

 Material wealth, spiritual expansion, and emotional richness become your natural state.

That's what happens for folks in PENETRATE: the Existential Kink coach certification program

Transmute your pain into profit.

Step Into a Flow of Financial Prosperity

See yourself feeling at ease with money, attracting opportunities that bring immense prosperity and joy into your life. 

Picture a reality where money flows to you in unexpected and delightful ways.

Money comes to you effortlessly; you to live luxuriously while making a positive impact on the world.

That's what folks learn to do in the MONEY course.

Release that badass money witch within you.


What if you knew exactly how to create any result you desire, just by using shadow integration work and a little bit of talismanic magick?

The INFLUENCE course has taught thousands of satisfied students exactly how to wield the power of the planets in natural magick to change their lives for the way-better.

Learn how to master practical magick.

Magnify Your Magick in a Community of Alchemists

What happens when a bunch of trash panda immortal adepts from the internet get together lead a live, in-person Mystery School?

Turns out, a whole lot of deep friendship, mind-blowing Self-realization, sexual awakening, and rad dance parties.

Sleep Over Mystery School is a 9-month program with 4 live, in-person ritual immersions and virtual integration support in-between the immersions.

Sleep Over Mystery School offers a cross between a wild co-ed teenage slumber party and the epic Mystery initiations of antiquity.

There's nothing else like Sleep Over Mystery School on Earth, books will be written about it a hundred years from now: you do not want to miss this. 

Realize the truth of your vast, divine nature.

It is time to  fan the flames of truth

 Reclaim the power that pulses through your very veins by clicking below:

Free Ebook: 

The 7 Dangerous Lies
that Stop Most People
from Mastering Magick

And How To See Through Them Right Now

by The Faculty of The Immortal College

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