Transmute Your Pain into

The 6-month Existential Kink coach certification program for culture leaders who want to become brilliant, wealthy coaches… using the methods of one of the world’s great masters of shadow work.


Live a Life Frozen in the Agony of Frustration


Live a Life That is a Red-Hot Furnace of Bounty & Beauty

The icy, paralyzing pain in your life can take many forms:

Fear of leading client interactions (sales or otherwise)

Dread that you’re just not good enough

A feeling of purposelessness

Exhaustion from trying to help others and not seeing anything come of it

A sense of lack, no matter how large your audience is or how much money you make

Burnout from coaching or other work

Loneliness from being caught between the spiritual hippy world and conventional society

Maybe you’ve already taken other coach training programs, and you’ve coached for years.

Maybe you’re just getting started in the coaching field.

Maybe you don’t even want to be a coach, you just know that you need a deep-dive journey into erotic, somatic shadow integration.

Whatever the situation that brought you to this page, you know that something important is missing in the way that you approach life, relationships, and work with clients.

The fact that something is missing is NOT your fault at all.

We live in a wisdom-deficient culture that teaches us very little about what it takes to truly inhabit our wholeness.

Other coach trainings and the mainstream culture at large teach us to “be good,” “be safe,” to seek approval, and to hide ourselves and others from the hot, penetrating truth that would actually light us up with inspiration and change lives for the way better.

The PENETRATE Existential Kink coach training is like absolutely nothing else you’ll find elsewhere in the coach certification world, in the mainstream, or even in “spiritual” circles.


Because we understand that the only thing that limits us from reaching all of our dreams in life is false, culturally conditioned taboo.

Taboos that tell us to be “good” and to be “nice,” and to seek social approval at all costs, to shrink ourselves in order to make others comfortable.

Taboos that prevent us from lovingly embracing our genuine enjoyment of the full spectrum of our experience, our masochism, our sadism, and the full spectrum of our animal drives for money, sex, and power.

In order to be the most effective coach you can be, you need to know how to be in approval of every part of yourself and your experience.

If you’re hiding, if you’re ashamed, if you’re holding back - your potential clients and your clients can sense that.

If you can’t consciously wield your sadism, it will come out sideways in all of your relationships, causing you to hurt others “without meaning to” with behaviors like being late, missing appointments without warning, being inattentive, being controlling.

If you can’t consciously wield your masochism, it will also come out sideways in all of your relationships, causing you to allow others to hurt you “without meaning to” with behaviors like letting yourself be taking advantage of, charging less that you’re worth, under-earning and over-apologizing.

People can sense approval-seeking and falseness, and it shuts them down.

At a deep level, folks can sniff out when you’re not in full connection with your own being, including your shadow, and even if they can’t articulate it, they’ll get the message that you won’t be able to approve of deep, dark things within them because you can’t approve of them within yourself.

Many coaches read the Existential Kink book, begin applying it in their lives, experience wonderful shifts, and then start trying to help others with the philosophy of EK - but then find they hit a wall.


Because the principles and axioms in Existential Kink, though true and effective for bringing about rapid expansions of consciousness and positive change…

…are far, far outside the norms of the blame-and-victimhood-obsessed mainstream culture…

…and this means it’s almost impossible to fully embody the EK principles and axioms to the point that you can help others with them unless you have expert guidance and social support from people who who’ve already made 1000s of mistakes in doing it, and who from experience have figured out the best way to go about it.

Consider this: 

It took social encouragement from family, schools, media and teachers to put you in a stuck, approval-seeking mindset where you’re afraid to speak truths.

It will take social encouragement from other shadow integration leaders to get you fully out of that rut, to get you so confident and so embodied in your love for every part of yourself and for life, including the very taboo parts that you can transmit that freedom and boundless love to others in your relationships and in your coaching.

The good news is this: 

When you sign up for PENETRATE and get expert guidance and social support in embracing your actual wholeness - including all the taboo qualities and desires within you…

… well, then you become unstoppable, because gradually, everyone who encounters you can begin feel the real you, can feel your unbounded truth and your power, sense that you’re not hiding or constricted or ashamed…

… and then your clients can relax and trust that you can help them bring out their own truth and power and reach their dreams.

Yes, you might be thinking - but you’re brilliant and determined, and you already understand Existential Kink from the book, so you could figure this out on your own, eventually.

Yes, you could - and it would probably take you several years, just like it took Carolyn.

Or you could be kind to yourself, trust the voice calling you to make this investment in your wholeness and your transmission…

…decide that you’re going to benefit from the help and experience of other cutting-edge culture leaders in shadow integration…

And learn to give your fullest possible transmission of integrative love and freedom in just 6 months.

Bring the Heat: Fulfill Your
Purpose, Heal the World,
AND Make Money

After the PENETRATE Existential Kink coach training, you will –

Embody your life’s purpose.

Wield the power of a leader in the world’s most rapid and effective shadow-integration modality: Existential Kink.

Master coaching, alchemy, marketing, and business (the arts of penetration).

Easily command high fees in accord with the tremendous life-changing value that you bring to you clients, and feel great about doing so.

What They’re Saying about Penetrate

“I have found Lucy to be one of those rare few who can help those struggling with their understanding. Her ability to honor and support her client’s personal truths, while remaining grounded and direct is the reason I would recommend her to anyone looking for integration consulting.”

Nate Nadeau

“Laila is truly an incredible coach, channeling a superhuman in service to the liberation of all beings. and an incomparable gift to anyone who has the opportunity to work with her. This has been the most incredible self-growth experience of my life and I continue to be astounded by how much change I am going through, how fucking good it feels, and how I’m seeing myself in ways I would never have imagined after 10 plus years of holding myself back from my true potential.”

Rory Matthews

“Lucy’s calm wisdom has helped me so much over the past year and a half. She unriddled the mind-blowing concepts of EK and shadow integration for me in the sincerest and most approachable way. She welcomed me into this awakened state with open arms.”

Leigh Rast

“Laila has somehow mastered the art of creating safety while completely pushing me to my edge. Her energy is such an exhilarating adventure; I find myself delightfully opening to her invitations again and again.”

Holly Hamel

“Carolyn gives you so much impact in just one lesson, that you could easily spend a year just thinking about it. Or more. It’s mind-bending. And deliberating. She’s a powerful coach and witch. Take care, you might get magically introduced to the success you’ve always wanted.”

Anja Sommer

“Carolyn can craftily maneuver a mirror in front of you by being vulnerable and forthcoming with her own struggles. Her style of teaching is gentle and compassionate as much as it is challenging to the ego and any of your own BS you may be believing. I have been unable to con myself for maybe the first time ever since investing in Influence. I have since seen myself and my life through new and wiser eyes.”

Stephanie Bailey MacNeill

“Carolyn’s teaching style is for those who commit and are all in. She doesn’t sugar coat shit; she gives it to you full on. And IT. FUCKING. WORKS.”

Bara Cerna

“Working with Carolyn presents the opportunity for deep, deep work. Every lesson with her was a gift that propelled me into deeper intimacy with myself, connection and vulnerability with others, and life and living herself. I am still processing everything I’ve learned in the lessons, and I know that I will be returning to them for years to come.”

Angela Cera

“Laila and Lucy are true modern sages. Their grounded confidence and embodied radical wisdom is spellbinding, penetrating, (possibly deliciously intimidating) and yet entirely generous: they are completely in it with you for as long as you get the privilege of their time, and they are as generous with their words as they are listeners. I have been impressed countless times by their ability to transmit high knowledge ánd deeply personal guidance in a way that is direct, lucid, unpretentious and powerfully somatic. I’ve learned from them simply by being around them. They practice what they preach. Let that be a warning and the greatest of invitations. I cannot recommend them highly enough.”

Thomas Van Breda

PENETRATE is For You if You WanT...

To have a fully booked calendar with clients you love and recognition as a game-changer in your industry.

To feel great about charging so much money that you only have to coach one client per week.

To wield benevolent seduction skills that get your clients to open up to you - wallet and psyche-

To feel a greater connection with yourself, your community, and your potential to make money.

To create a standout marketing message that attracts premium clients consistently.

To enjoy in your ability to make lasting change for your clients (and yourself) on the deepest levels of their patterning.

You experience a thorough shadow-work tune-up for yourself so that you can get out of your own way and start earning money and helping people in way deeper and more satisfying ways.

To become an integrated and bad-ass human being whom other humans fear, love, and admire.

The Guides Leading Your Journey

Highly sought-after witches and teachers Lucy Baldwin and Laila Matthews share their unique and exclusive practices. Your guides build on and further explore the revolutionary shadow work presented in Carolyn Lovewell’s classic text, Existential Kink: unmask your shadow and embrace your power.

How You’ll Master the Existential Kink Philosophy,
Practice & Coaching in Just 6 Months

Get ready for expert guidance, practical coaching experiences,
and very wicked, wild encouragement along the way.

This six-month training experience includes:


On Day 1, this hot multi-hour intensive starts you off with a bang: secret transmissions, integrative exercises, and supporting frameworks. And we’ll do another halfway through the program and at the very end, sealing in your new levels of growth along the way.


Our High-Kink Priestesses, Laila and Lucy will take you on 12 soul-carving journeys: through Existential Kink coaching philosophy and the ALL-IN application of its axioms to life. Sessions take place over 90-minute interactive Zoom sessions.


Here, you’ll meet with a smaller and more intimate group: your kinky coaching family inside of PENETRATE. You’ll practice what you’ve learned and connect on a deeper level with other incredible future Existential Kink practitioners.


Each month, you’ll have a 90-minute practice session with a PENETRATE instructor. Here you’ll practice coaching and sales techniques to receive immediate feedback and personal guidance.


You’ll solidify your mastery of all the work we’re doing on calls with off-call assignments. You must complete these assignments to receive certification. And you’re required to practice Existential Kink, or some slight variation of it, every day.


When you complete all requirements, you’ll receive a diploma and official Existential Kink Coach certification.

This certification comes with a wide range of benefits, including the chance to have your services promoted by Carolyn Lovewell and exclusive permission to teach and coach about Existential Kink.

Unleash your True Self without Fear
Apply to Penetrate Today


PENETRATE will begin on July 18th, 2024 and end on January 17th, 2025.

The 6 month program is completely virtual.

The total cost of PENETRATE is: $6,500

If you get in by the end of May, you'll get PENETRATE for only $5,000.

This is the price we offered it for last year, before we completely re-furbished the curriculum to make it the most powerful and distilled Existential Kink program ever offered.

After May 31st the price will go back up to $6,500, sapply now to make sure you save $1,500.

There is a $50 non-refundable application fee that will be applied to your tuition.
This is because it takes considerable effort on our part to review applications and interview potential PENETRATORS.
Note: If for some reason we reject your application, we will refund you.

After you apply (within a day or two) you'll receive an email to schedule your interview, and a copy of our contract to review.

There is a payment plan option which you can learn about during your interview, once we accept you into the program.

Once you are in, PENETRATE starts on July 18th with a two-day intensive that goes from 12-4pmEST on July 18th and 19th. This is where the magick begins and we look forward to seeing you there!

You can decide whether you'd like to apply for certification or simply use the program to transform your life for the way better. 

Either way, we do encourage you to attend all practice sessions and complete the assignments to get the most out of everything PENETRATE has to offer.
