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.: Secrets Hiding in Plain Sight :.
The Immortal College teaches individuals the essence of all ancient Esoteric-Traditions: how to consciously tap into, and consciously participate in, the variously existing Morphic Fields of Resonance. These fields of resonance effectively represent the governing trans-temporal thought-forms of a higher-dimensional organism. Within the sphere of human evolution, this is an organism which we have come to know as The Arboreal Hyperbody.
We are a group of reverently irreverent adepts in the Western Esoteric tradition who seek to help humanity evolve…
… by making alchemical literacy (the knowledge of how to transmute pain and darkness into power and joy) widespread.
Throughout human history, we adepts have always existed in some form or another – offering guidance from behind the scenes, preserving the Immortal Traditions, and keeping the Remembrance alive.
We emphasize the life-changing power of shadow integration
For the current aeon of human history, we emphasize the life-changing power of shadow integration (i.e., making the unconscious, conscious, also known as reconciling the opposites)…
… as a means of realizing wholeness, and thus becoming capable of receiving clear communications from our inner divinity and thereby completing the Great Work.

Everything you find here – coaching sessions, intensives, online courses, information on in-person events, and more – have been specifically designed for one purpose.
The purpose is this: to assist you on your journey away from a life of frustration and disappointment and toward one of dazzling fulfillment.
To give you a more personal sense of who we are and what we’re about in our most recent incarnations, here’s a bit of our collective story:
Shadow integration saved us from a living nightmare
Like many spiritual people, we’re the “love ’n’ light” kind of people: We always had a positive attitude and sought to be of service to others.
We put every ounce of our energy into being perceived as “good.” - By everyone. All the time.
We aimed to be selfless, harmless, generous, and pure-hearted. We ran ourselves ragged trying to fulfill the expectations of others.
We lived what we thought was a virtuous life.
So we felt really stumped: Why weren’t any of our dreams coming true?
It didn’t matter how much we visualized or affirmed.
We struggled in our careers.We felt misunderstood and disrespected.We lived in places that depressed us.We got into relationships over and over that would start out great, then quickly turn terrible and explode.

Embracing the Unconscious
Looking back on those days, we can see that we were living within a very narrow notion of virtue.
By placing so much value on generosity and selflessness, we stuck our very human and natural drives for power and personal expression deep into our unconscious (our Shadows).
But just because we shoved those drives into our unconscious (our shadows) doesn’t mean they evaporated. Instead, those natural drives came out in weird, sideways, and shadowy fashions.
And that made us untrustworthy.
This truth hit us through an ongoing series of spectacular and very public humiliations, where people eventually confronted us with the truth about ourselves.
Through the searing pain of that humiliation, we eventually realized that we had dark and powerful drives within us.
And we needed to face them.

Seeing the Unseen
What we didn’t yet realize was that unconsciously, we felt attached to scarcity, constriction, and limitation in our lives.
A shadowy part of us secretly loved those sensations.
And that shadowy part of us took great pleasure in feeling bound and victimized.
During our studies, we discovered two stunning quotes by the pioneering psychotherapist Carl Jung. - This wisdom from Jung inspired us to change our lives forever.
“I’d rather be whole than good”
The concept of seeking to be whole instead of good blew our minds. We had no idea that you could seek wholeness as an aim rather than goodness.
This shift meant we didn’t need to deny and suppress our desires for power and material comfort. Instead, We took full responsibility for them, and we began to inhabit them in an honest, deliberate way.

“Until you make the unconscious, conscious,
it will rule your life, and you will call it Fate.”
This instruction to “make the unconscious, conscious” also struck us as a revelation.
As we contemplated this and really thought about what our “Fate” seemed to entail…
… it dawned on us that not only did we have unconscious desires for regular creature comfort
stuff like power and status.
We also had deep unconscious desires for more perverse and weird stuff – like constriction, frustration, and suffering.
After all, those things sure felt like big, repeating parts of our Fate.
We discovered that we could set aside our egos – for just 15 minutes at a time – and let the shadowy parts of us (who loved constriction and frustration) come to the surface.
Then we could “get on the side” of the previously unconscious parts of ourselves, who desired all that “yucky stuff” …
… and actually feel pleasure from the presence of constriction and frustration in our life, just like BDSM practitioners feel pleasure in painful stuff like having hot candle wax dripped on their backs.
Integrating Existential Kink
So we came to know this as a shadow integration practice called: Existential Kink.
Through it, we took ownership of our shadowy and unconscious desires and traits, and our identities shifted at a deep level.
We integrated our shadowy desires and pleasures into our conscious personas.
With this, we stopped seeing ourselves as pathetic, put-upon people who could never get what we wanted.
Instead, we began perceiving ourselves as pleasured, fulfilled people.
After all, we could now see that we always successfully got exactly what the deepest parts of us wanted.
ALL the time.
Multi-dimensional Rewards
It felt as though after years of hearing only screechy static, we had finally tuned the radio receiver of our souls to an amazing rock’n’roll station.
Our creativity and business efforts suddenly, vastly expanded. Our income and audiences tripled.
And – funny thing – none of the “brass tacks” of what we did to change our lives involved complicated stuff.

It was just that from our new integrated identities, we had the willingness to try the simple things that previously we had closed ourselves off to because they seemed “so not for us”
Enjoying this expansion, we took our money and began to travel all over the world. We continued to grow and remember – and as we found each other, we learned even more, and we fell in love.
Today we continue to travel the world together and teach as a family.
We realized that all across the Earth, people like you were suffering just as we had suffered.
And we realized that you, too, can end your misery by learning to make your unconscious, conscious, so that it no longer rules your life, and you no longer have to call repeating negative patterns your Fate.
We decided to share the revelations we’ve had through doing the alchemical work to integrate our shadows.
These teachings have taken shape as all the offerings you find here.

Our Mission
The Invisible College exists to create a worldwide flourishing of alchemical literacy.
We teach people how to make the unconscious, conscious; how to attain inner wholeness; and how to reconcile the opposites (pain and pleasure, good and bad) within themselves.
We do this both so that the people we teach can live more joyful lives, and also so that they can commune directly with divinity.
Divinity is wholeness. It includes everything. So when we fail to reach our own wholeness by integrating our shadows, we tragically limit our ability to receive divine guidance and inspiration.

On the other hand, when we succeed in integrating our shadows, we open ourselves up to receiving clear divine communications via dreams, visions, and synchronicities.
Alchemical literacy will help people everywhere transmute their pain into power, beauty, and bounty.
As more and more people learn to do this transmutation, human consciousness can evolve from angsty adolescence to peaceful maturity.
Why use the metaphor of “alchemical literacy?”
Because most people think of alchemy, magick, and psychological integration as topics that only a special elite can master.
For thousands of years, people also thought of reading and writing as deep esoteric topics that only a special elite could master.
Over time, though, we found that when taught correctly, anyone can learn to read and write.
Similarly, we've found that anyone can master alchemy, magick, and psychological integration – when they are taught correctly.
Consider every tool and offer on this site a path designed to help you along your journey of living your life to the fullest.