“I was feeling unhappy and stuck in my job going in the course. I felt like it was not aligned with my purpose, but at the same time I make fairly decent money, have a nice title and have the perk of staying home with my son two days a week. Now, I no longer have that feeling of dissatisfaction. I’ve been learning to hone in on the aspects of my job that I enjoy while delegating tasks I dislike. I’m also taking more breaks and days off, and I’m somehow completing the same job that once took 50+ hours a week in about 30 hours.”
WEALTH, POWER, PURPOSE: Electric Yes is now open for application

Become fearless and unstoppable in your life
In the FORCE OF NATURE intensive, you embrace and heal your unconscious, hidden shadow desires with in-depth, mind-melting material that’s utterly unlike anything you’ll find anywhere else.
Melt Away the Iron Shackles that Hold You Back
The pioneering psychotherapist Carl Jung noted, “until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will rule your life, and you will call it Fate.”
Most people – even smart, compassionate people – live shackled by unconscious attitudes that dictate their Fate and cause terrible outcomes in their life.
Because most people have no idea how to “make the unconscious, conscious” they have no means of escaping these shackles of Fate.

But now, with FORCE OF NATURE, there’s an easy-to-understand means of making the unconscious, conscious … so you can melt away the shackles of Fate and live out your highest destiny instead.
Perhaps you’ve been dabbling in “manfestation” and magick work for some time now, but it’s just not giving you all that you hoped it would.
Maybe you’ve created delightful things in one area of your life, but you’ve had heart-breaking failures in others.
You already KNOW where you’re stuck and what your negative patterns are.
Maybe your patterns are something like this:

A seeming inability to make more than a certain small-ish amount of money each month.

Feeling totally stuck and blocked creatively.

Repeatedly attracting romantic partners into your life that seem great at first but end up reminding you of an awful parent.

Disliking your body and feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.

Lacking a sense of strong spiritual inspiration.

Generally feeling miserable and bored, seeking satisfaction from food and social media and Netflix, but not really finding it.
Very many of us modern humans struggle with issues like these, and it’s absolutely not our fault.
We just don’t learn in school or from our families how to resolve painful negative patterns.
So right now you’re totally in the dark about how to unhook yourself from the compulsive reactions that create drama and disappointment in your life.
And, alas, you’ve learned that both conventional talk therapy and mainstream self-help approaches don’t seem to do anything to give you the major breakthroughs that you need.
Without clear guidance from an expert magickian and teacher, you’ve had discouraging “why the heck do I even bother?” results from everything you’ve tried, followed by a crippling sense of overwhelm around what to do next.
The very good news is this:
Fulfill Your Deepest Dreams
And Live Your Purpose
FORCE OF NATURE ain’t your nice Wiccan auntie’s approach to magick.
There’s no fetishization of crystals, Olde English rhymes or obsession with “positive affirmations” here.
Rather, FORCE OF NATURE provides a startingly profound paradigm shift that lets you rapidly and dramatically heal every area of your life.
This paradigm shift revolves around Existential Kink, a rapid approach to shadow integration that gives you a means to transform every dimension of your experience for the way-better.
Through Existential Kink, you learn how to give total, deliberate embrace to even the darkest elements within you, so you can make the unconscious, conscious and be free from the shackles of cruel Fate.
FORCE OF NATURE offers guided, in-depth applications of magick for all arenas of life:

Romantic relationships

Wealth, career, and business

Body image and health

Creativity and contribution

Family life, grief, and wounds

Intuition, magic, and divination

Nondual awareness (AKA enlightenment)
What They’re Saying about Force of Nature
“Before the course started I was feeling a lot of shame and self doubt about doing what I’ve wanted to, and felt called to do, for years now – of course I didn’t realize that until the course started and I actually looked at my relationship with shame. I was wanting to teach people about mindfulness and coach them to live happier and healthier lives. I now have a group of four women who I’ve worked with twice already and will continue to work with as well as a gig to teach a mindfulness workshop at an event.”
Lucy MacNaught
“I literally charge 25% more for my work than when I started the course and I haven’t even finished it yet.“
Maria Smith
“Before FORCE OF NATURE I felt divided within myself – or unwhole. I could feel myself painfully outgrowing the operatics of my life… and was realizing I was at odds with myself and my lovely, queer inner demon. Concretely my life is now in a more constant flow state, I took a leap with starting my own business finally (and started bringing in new contracts / clients), and generally there’s just a f*ck-ton more joy in my life.”
Katherine Grasso
“I didn’t feel very grounded, and I definitely didn’t feel like I was able to fully express myself in my business and in other areas of my life too. Throughout this process, I have learned to more fully be myself in every area of my life, and that has definitely changed my business in big ways. I’ve since rebranded, gotten really clear on what I do and who I help, and my revenue is increasing monthly!“
Jennifer Cochrane
“At the beginning of the course I was hiding my recent joblessness from my irritating tenant, whom I’d already asked to move out. I’d leave my house at the time I usually left for work and not return until I was expected home. The first major shift from EK practice was reconciling with the tenant so that we parted on friendly terms. That month, handfuls of money showed up unexpectedly to keep me afloat financially and then I landed the job I wanted most – working in almost an identical capacity and being paid significantly more for it! I had to take a break from Force of Nature while I started my new job, because the new job hours & learning-curve was a lot for me to handle. Now, as I am working through the assignments for lessons 3 & 4, I am realizing the density of my guilt & resentment. It’s made me a lot more humble. I am being a better friend, a kinder coworker and I’m taking more responsibility over my finances.“
Carter Tracy
“Before joining FORCE OF NATURE I somehow found Carolyn’s DFI practice and I loved that I idea. I was in the middle of a program launch so I picked a number that was doable but bigger than I was thinking and BAM – I hit that number plus $22 for my launch. (that was freaky!) So I signed up when I had the opportunity! In April, I did a 2nd launch of my first program plus I offered a continuing program for the people in my first launch. My goal was to double my first launch sales. When I went to do a DFI, for some reason I added $10K to my goal number. I exceeded that number by $677 – wow!“
Fiona Orr
“I was extremely unhappy in my job; I dreaded getting up in the morning to go to work and longed for change and more income to facilitate change. Since signing up for Force of Nature, I have started several forms of passive income. Most exciting of all, my husband and I are building a tiny home on wheels and we are hitting the road! May the wind take us where it will!”
Noelle Morris
“I was having tremendous stresses over the events of my life, involving both my choices of the past, the ongoing stress of my job, and other peoples choices around me which I was having difficulty coming to terms with. The shift in my mindset and attitude has directly affected my resiliency, my joyousness, and my understanding of how things work in general. My shift in Attitude and mindset has resulted in a better workplace for other people around me, better interactions with my patients, my supervisors at work are no longer worried about me and are instead pleased and smiling and nodding their heads at me again. When my coworkers asked me how I have done it, I tell them about my inner sadist and my cheerleaders, and a couple have been interested enough that I tell them I am taking an online course that teaches the technique of Existential Kink, which of course they are fascinated to hear about. I consider all this a work in progress, and I’m looking forward to applying my unified will in the future.”
Annie How

The Guide Leading
Your Journey
FORCE OF NATURE was created by the famous magickian and teacher, Carolyn Lovewell.
Carolyn earned a Ph.D. in Critical and Cultural Studies from the University of Pittsburgh, teaching there for seven years and receiving accolades.
Since Carolyn left the university to teach independently online, more than 2,000 people have participated in her online courses on magick and have praised Carolyn’s teaching skill and talent for grounding far-out concepts in a solid and accessible context.
The Seven Life-Changing Lessons of

With this course, you’ll learn:

Lesson 1: Getting Started With Existential Kink.
How the work of becoming a FORCE OF NATURE is connected to what the alchemists called the Great Work (AKA the process of enlightenment, awakening, initiation, or “becoming whole.”)

Lesson 2: Transforming Your Romantic Relationships.
How your romantic relationships habitually show up as your relationship with your parents unless you do deep work to make your unconscious, conscious.
Most people have a very low “havingness level,” i.e., they unwittingly freak out when good stuff starts to happen to them and push the good stuff away. You’ll learn how to expand your havingness level by expanding the amount of high sensation that you can be present with.

Lesson 4: Health, Body Image, and the Poison Path.
Learn the secrets of quickly transmuting negative feelings about yourself.

Lesson 3: Wealth Tantra And Upping
Your Havingness Level.

Lesson 5: Liberating Your Creativity.
Discover the secret thing a person needs to accept in order to open up limitless creativity.

Lesson 6: Removing Blocks to Intuition.
Understand the key difference between psychic ability and limiting self-centered delusions so you can access your genuine and powerful intuition.

Lesson 7: Existential Kink &
Nondual Enlightenment.
Make the unconscious, conscious by becoming personally aware of just how non-personal and interdependent all experience is.