“With INFLUENCE, so much of my ‘trauma’ and fear crap have I been able to look at, understand and let go. It has been incredible and continues to remain so.”
WEALTH, POWER, PURPOSE: Electric Yes is now open for application

Experience Foundational Change through the Power of Practical Magick
This life-altering online intensive teaches you exactly how to generate jaw-dropping positive synchronicities and real-world results using magick that actually works.
A Shocking Truth That Most People Don’t Know About Magick
Magick works because, as the famous physicist David Bohm explained, the universe is both fractal and also holographic.
The Universe is fractal, which means it’s made up of self-similar patterns that repeat at every scale.
And it’s holographic, which means that even the tiniest particle has encoded within it the information needed to extrapolate out the entirety of the big picture.
In other words, when you understand that there’s an interconnected pattern that makes up all of physical reality, you can “see a Universe in a Grain of Sand, or Heaven in a Wildflower,” as the genius poet William Blake said.
This is great news!
This means that if we change just one small element of the pattern (ourselves) the entirety of the larger pattern (the apparent Universe) will also change in response.
“The eye altering alters all,” as William Blake also pointed out.
This means that all of us have the power to change the way the whole world appears to us, by changing ourselves.
Furthermore, this also means that you can actually do magick that dissolves entrenched negative patterns in your life and reliably creates stunning new results, like doubling your income or magnetizing real love.
Maybe this sounds too good to be true, but we’ve taught the precise, simple way to do this to thousands of people already, and we have mountains of testimonials to prove it.
The truth is that for magick to work effectively, you don’t need to deny reality with corny affirmations, or find the perfect crystal, or pluck the rarest wild herb under a full moon.
What you need is to unify the will of your conscious and your unconscious minds, and from this position of unity, you then need to create densities of meaning (i.e., spells, talismans) by invoking planetary archetypes that match your desires.
INFLUENCE shows you exactly how to do this.
The ancient Greeks widely understood that in order to do thaumaturgy (i.e., “wonder-working,” their term for practical magick), a person first of all needs to unite their will.
Most people don’t have a united will at all, though. Most people feel very conflicted. Their conscious mind wants “good stuff,” like love and riches, but for mysterious reasons, their unconscious mind feels attracted to “bad stuff,” like failure, rejection, and scarcity.

We don’t even need to know “why” it is that a person’s unconscious mind desires “bad stuff.” Could be past lives, could be childhood wounds, who knows?
The important thing to understand is this: As long as a person stays in denial that any part of them desires the negative pattern that they’re experiencing over and over again, that negative pattern will just keep giving birth to painful synchronicities, because denial will keep it in the fertile womb of the unconscious mind.
The creation of a unified will is possible only when you get on the side of your unconscious mind through deep ego-surrender and shadow integration work. Shadow integration work clears space in your soul to make room for receiving new bounty and wonder.
When you integrate your shadow, you stop shaming your unconscious desires for negativity and the “bad” results they create in your life. Shame is pointless. Shame, blame, guilt, denial - all keep you magickally disempowered.
INFLUENCE shows you how to dissolve shame, blame, guilt and denial so you can do the most powerful magick on Earth, the magick of uniting the conscious and the unconscious minds, which is what the ancients called “alchemy” and represented symbolically by the union of the Sun and the Moon.
Magick is active participation in synchronicity.
Many people just passively notice and enjoy especially beautiful synchronicities - like seeing a monarch butterfly at their windowsill the morning after having dreamt of a monarch butterfly, or seeing 11:11 on their watch right after a moment of deep reflection.
Of course, we all love it when there’s a beautiful outer event that corresponds to a beautiful inner event.
But really, all of life is synchronously unfolding all of the time. It’s just that most people are very unskillful in magick, and they habitually create boring or even painful synchronicities…
… synchronicities like:
Feeling worthless (inner event) and then getting yelled at by their boss for no real reason (outer event).
Feeling empty and desiring other people’s approval (inner event) and then getting rejected as uncool (outer event).
Most people don’t realize that their inner reality creates their outer reality, because they don’t want to take responsibility for the way that their unconscious, habitual patterns of fear or resentment affect their lives.
If you’re reading this, you’re one of those rare people who has the willingness to take up this deep, honest human responsibility, and I applaud you for it.
We all have a key choice in life.
The fact that you’re reading this now means you’re the kind of brave person who is capable of making this very important choice.
Philosophers call it “the Hermeneutic Choice.” The term “Hermeneutic” literally means “related to the Greek God Hermes, the god of magick and communication.”
The Hermeneutic Choice is the choice of what meaning we assign to ourselves and our experience.
Do you see yourself as a deprived and pathetic being?
Or as a vast, blissfully fulfilled one?

When you understand that the deepest part of you desires even the darkest repeating patterns in your life, you can shift your identity at the deepest level and feel fulfilled, and start experiencing synchronous events in your life that also mean “fulfillment” to you.
The way you interpret yourself and your life creates your “radio station” in the universe, and you perpetually experience the kind of synchronicities that dwell on that radio station.
This might sound familiar to you from Law of Attraction teachings.
And it is familiar because the Law of Attraction is absolutely real.
The only thing is, most popular Law of Attraction teachers have a very shallow understanding of how it works.
They tell people to just ignore bad stuff in their lives, and focus on feeling grateful for good stuff.
This backfires every single time because when you ignore or deny something, you drive it further into the unconscious.
The key is not to ignore bad stuff. It’s to humble your ego and celebrate it, realizing that a shadowy part of you absolutely desires it. When you do this, you make the previously-unconscious desire, conscious, and thereby render it magickally inactive.
The unconscious is like a fertile womb. It will give birth to the seeds that you plant within it. Then you’ll give birth to those seeds eventually, as synchronicities in the external world.
If you give the unconscious seeds of “not good enough” feelings about yourself, you’ll experience synchronous happenings in the outside world that share a resonant meaning of “not good enough.”
The exciting thing that everyone needs to understand is that it’s possible to actively shape the kind of synchronicity that you regularly experience.
And this can be done without denying or ignoring anything about actual reality.
Consider this:
Meaning is the engine of synchronicity. A synchronicity is a pattern of two or more events that are not related by cause and effect, but that share a resonance of meaning.
When you learn how to use shadow integration to alter the meaning that you assign yourself, and when you also learn how to create densities of meaning using planetary archetypes (symbols in the collective unconscious), like we teach you to do in INFLUENCE….
… then you can deliberately create patterns of beautiful, happy synchronicities.
When you can do this, you become unstoppable.
Unleash Shadow Integration & Ancient Planetary Archetypes to Fulfill ALL Your Most Practical Needs
Through the teachings of INFLUENCE you can learn to –

Create massive positive synchronicity in any area of your life — money, love, creativity, health

Delight in glimmers of magick throughout your day

Know in your bones that magick is real and have the real-world results to prove it

Change how you feel about yourself and the world forever by never again feeling at the mercy of cruel fate
What They’re Saying about Influence
“I feel like INFLUENCE has upped my sense of personal power, agency, and equanimity. I feel I have more control over what happens in my life, and when things go sideways, I’m not so easily rattled. “
Susan Snyder
“The shadow work in INFLUENCE allowed me to remove the blocks that prevented my magical work from manifesting (or from getting results that stick). That’s something I hadn’t found in any other course before.”
Scarlet Grace
“I had a strong suspicion that this class would pay for itself many times over, and it did. As I tangoed with my shadow and unraveled my own innermost mysteries, my power grew.
”I got my dream house during this course, and my husband found a brand new iMac in a dumpster.
”With INFLUENCE, I found whatever I poured energy and thought into came alive; things were magnetized to me as my glowing, red-hot heart activated with persuasively electric power.
”I’m still learning, and I can’t wait to see what else will happen as I continue this journey – the things I learned in INFLUENCE were not rehashed material, but new, real-life Mysteries the likes of which I had been searching for in tomes and dusty corners of the interwebs for years.”
Jamie Lynn Hales
“Carolyn’s teaching style is for those who commit and are all in. She doesn’t sugar coat shit; she gives it to you full on. And IT. FUCKING. WORKS.”
Bara Cerna
“This is the single most beneficial course I’ve ever taken.”
Janet Jeffus
“One night I was doing EK on some physical pain I experience often in my pussy. The pain magically changed into pleasure. I realized that I was just horny but at times, not every time, I didn’t want to feel the pleasure so I would feel it as pain instead. I realized the reason was because as a child I was raped and so I was angry that my virginity was stolen from me. So the only way I was able to reclaim something I consider sacred was to not allow myself to feel as much sexual pleasure as I am capable of unless I am with someone I feel is deserving because I want my fucking fairy tale.”
Harriet Kline
“After INFLUENCE, literally everything in my life is better. I’m healthier. I’ve lost weight. I’m spending more time with friends and family. I’m doing more of the things I love. Everything I disliked about my life has started shifting, some of it rapidly, and some of it more slowly. INFLUENCE is life changing!”
Elizabeth Hamister Burnett
“I targetted my stutter. It’s early days, I still have the stutter, but I care less and less about it. As a result the severity and frequency have fallen markedly. I’m confident in time, my need for this survival mechanism will vanish.”
Jessica Fields

The Guide Leading Your Journey
Meet famous magickian and teacher, Carolyn Lovewell.
Carolyn earned a Ph.D. in Critical and Cultural Studies from the University of Pittsburgh, teaching there for seven years and receiving accolades.
Since Carolyn left the university to teach independently online, more than 2,000 people have participated in her online courses on magick and have praised Carolyn’s teaching skill and talent for grounding far-out concepts in a solid and accessible context.
12 Life-changing Lessons

Will Bring Into Your Life.
INFLUENCE is comprised of 12 in-depth lessons available in both audio and text PDF formats.
When you sign up for INFLUENCE, you get all 12 lessons,
delivered to your email each week
Lesson 1
The 7 Principles of Influence
The touchstones of practical magick.
Lesson 2
Existential Kink And Shadow Integration
How to “get off” on painful patterns in your life, so they dissolve forever.
Lesson 3
Planetary Powers
How to develop a reciprocal relationship with a planetary deity – i.e., what was known in the Renaissance as “natural magick.”
Lesson 4
Deepest Fear Inventory
How to strip off massive layers of fear so you can be your most free and powerful self.
Lesson 5
Effective Spellcasting
How to create densities of meaning that the universe can’t resist “rhyming with” through synchronicity.
Lesson 6
Remembering The Future And Dream Interpretation
How to fully understand the magical communications your unconscious gives you each night and become sensitive to precognition.
Lesson 7
How to get exactly what you want, always.
Lesson 8
Altering The Imaginal Plane
How to change things in the astral realm of imagination so that you change what happens in material reality.
Lesson 9
Alchemy Deep Dive
How to understand ancient alchemical processes of transformation as they pertain to your own soul.
Lesson 10
Synching With The Signs Of The Moon
Better living through lunar alignment.
Lesson 11
The Golden Shadow And Self-Forgiveness
A paradigm to help you quickly and fully release guilt and self-blame.
Lesson 12
The Most Potent Magickal Substance In The World
A secret exclusively for enrolled students only.
As soon as you sign up you'll receive an email with your first lesson.
Experience the Real-World Power of Shadow Integration in Practical Magick
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